Snapchat is undergoing its biggest redesign in years, simplifying its interface from five to three tabs. The redesign, dubbed 'Simple Snapchat', was announced at Snap's annual Partner Summit in Los Angeles. The new design brings Stories closer to conversations, simplifies content discovery, and brings users straight into the camera to express themselves. The redesign will be rolled out to Snapchat's 850 million users.
TechSnapchat | Rating: 53 | 2024-09-17 05:40:30 PM |
Snapchat announced the introduction of an AI video generation tool for creators at its annual Snap Partner Summit. The tool will allow select creators to generate AI videos from text prompts, and soon, from image prompts. The tool is available in beta on the web starting today for a small subset of creators, with no plans to make it available to anyone beyond creators. The tool is powered by Snap's own foundational video models.
AISnapchat | Rating: 58 | 2024-09-17 05:40:30 PM |
IBM has acquired Kubecost, a FinOps startup that helps teams optimize their Kubernetes clusters for efficiency and cost. The acquisition follows IBM's previous purchases of Apptio, Turbonomic, and Instana. Kubecost was founded in 2019 and has worked with companies like Allianz, Audi, Rakuten, and GitLab.
AcquisitionIBM | Rating: 62 | 2024-09-17 05:10:39 PM |
Google plans to flag AI-generated and edited images in its search results, starting in the next few months. The company will use C2PA metadata to identify images that have been manipulated by AI tools. The changes will be rolled out to Google Search, Google Lens, and Circle to Search, with potential future extensions to other Google properties like YouTube.
AIGoogle | Rating: 62 | 2024-09-17 05:00:26 PM |
Unfortunately, the article does not provide any critical information, such as organizations, persons, products, numbers, time, and locations, as it only contains a generic error message.
ErrorNone | 0 | 2024-09-17 04:30:47 PM |
Unfortunately, the article does not provide any critical information, such as organizations, persons, products, numbers, time, and locations, as it only contains a generic error message.
ErrorNone | 0 | 2024-09-17 04:00:32 PM |
Unfortunately, the article does not provide any critical information, such as organizations, persons, products, numbers, time, and locations, as it only contains a generic error message.
ErrorNone | 0 | 2024-09-17 03:00:22 PM |
Unbounce found that 82.2% of landing pages still need optimization, and a well-optimized landing page can boost signup conversion rate by 160% compared to using other marketing tools. The average conversion rate is as low as 5.89%. Landing page optimization is a part of Conversion Rate Optimization, which involves strategically experimenting with website elements, CTAs, and content to create a more engaging user experience.
MarketingUnbounce | Rating: 42 | 2024-09-17 02:10:55 PM |
Google and Yahoo! have announced that they will make DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) mandatory for bulk email senders from this year. EasyDMARC, a B2B SaaS startup, has raised $20 million in a Series A round led by Radian Capital to simplify email security and authentication. DMARC is a technical standard designed to protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.
RoboticsGoogle | Rating: 52 | 2024-09-17 01:30:28 PM |