Apple has released the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max, featuring bigger displays with thinner bezels, revamped cameras, and a new Camera Control button. The button is a physical button that depresses into the case and provides haptic feedback, allowing users to take photos with zero shutter lag. The camera features a 48MP main camera.
2024-09-14 08:51:34 AM |
Apple discontinued its FineWoven material, removing existing FineWoven iPhone cases from its website. The company introduced Silicon cases for the iPhone 16 lineup. FineWoven has been criticized for its poor performance, getting dirty and fraying quickly. Apple replaced leather with FineWoven last year to be more environmentally friendly.
Duplicated with: | 2024-09-14 08:51:34 AM |
Oracle reported better-than-expected quarterly results, with shares rising 5% in extended trading. The company's earnings per share were $1.39, beating estimates of $1.32. Revenue increased 7% to $13.31 billion, with net income rising to $2.93 billion. Oracle's cloud services and license support business generated $10.52 billion.
2024-09-14 08:51:33 AM |