Our resources are available to everyone, and we regularly share datasets, tools, and services with the broader scientific community to be used, shared, and built on.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
Science | Rating: 49 | 2024-06-14 07:05:25 PM |
Google Research strives to create an environment conducive to various research types across different time scales and risk levels.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Duplicated with: | Rating: 42 | 2024-06-14 07:05:25 PM |
Researchers studied the shortest path problem in graphs, where noise comes from real-time traffic. They used the first passage percolation model, multiplying edge weights by random numbers between 1 and 2. The goal was to determine how much noise needs to be queried to obtain an approximately optimal solution.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 43 | 2024-06-14 07:05:25 PM |
The TPU Research Cloud (TRC) program allows researchers to access a cluster of over 1,000 Cloud TPUs at no charge to accelerate research breakthroughs.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Duplicated with: | Rating: 71 | 2024-06-14 07:05:25 PM |
Google, a global leader in electronic commerce, conducts research in areas such as auction design, advertising effectiveness, statistical methods, forecasting, and policy analysis. This research involves interdisciplinary collaboration among computer scientists, economists, statisticians, and marketing researchers. The advertising market has billions of daily transactions, presenting a unique opportunity to test and refine economic principles.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 57 | 2024-06-14 07:05:24 PM |
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the emergence of online mutual aid groups in the United States, which filled gaps in social services and helped communities cope with infrastructural breakdowns. These groups were crucial sources of community-based support for immediate needs. The study focused on the development and maintenance of disaster relief initiatives over the first year of the pandemic.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 44 | 2024-06-14 07:05:24 PM |
Google has analyzed the interaction between Android and Wear OS permission models to identify potential security and privacy issues. The study found that the current design creates an opaque view of permission-protected data, leading to over-privileged data access without user consent. The research aims to improve the management of sensitive data on wearable devices and smartphones.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 57 | 2024-06-14 07:05:24 PM |
Google has been dealing with distributed systems and parallel computing challenges in areas such as concurrency control, fault tolerance, algorithmic efficiency, and communication. These challenges arise from the need to collect data from widely dispersed locations and perform enormous computations that cannot be done by a single CPU.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 73 | 2024-06-14 07:05:23 PM |
Google's founders developed algorithmic principles to match user interests to the best information about those interests. They discovered that best pages tend to be those linked to the most and that the best description of a page is often derived from the anchor text associated with the links to a page. Theories were developed to exploit these principles to optimize the task of retrieving the best documents for a user query.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 70 | 2024-06-14 07:05:23 PM |
Google's research is at the forefront of data mining, focusing on developing metrics, experimental methodologies, and modeling to create parsimonious representations of complex problems. These challenges arise in various products and services, including auction algorithms and road map quality measurement.
Source: https://blog.research.google/
AI | Rating: 81 | 2024-06-14 07:08:52 PM |