Exotec's Skypod robots have achieved one million daily container presentations globally, improving supply chain operations and reducing time for warehouse workers to fulfill customer demand.
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
RoboticsExotec | Rating: 73 | 2024-12-15 05:10:41 PM |
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
2024-12-14 08:20:52 PM |
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
2024-12-14 08:20:52 PM |
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
Duplicated with: | 2024-12-14 08:20:52 PM |
Boston Dynamics, a Massachusetts-based robotics company, is laying off 45 employees, which is about 5% of its workforce. The layoffs affect various functions across the business and are due to the company's focus on long-term strategy and profitability goals. Impacted employees will receive severance and benefits continuation.
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
RoboticsBoston Dynamics | Rating: 86 | 2024-12-14 05:10:35 PM |
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
2024-12-13 08:20:40 PM |
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
2024-12-13 08:20:40 PM |
Roboteon introduces a new simulation module in its software platform, aiding companies in making informed decisions regarding warehouse robot automation. This tool optimizes robot-enabled processes, helping to balance work release and reduce uncertainty in AMR use cases, human-robot workforce ratio, and expected improvements.
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
RoboticsRoboteon | Rating: 81 | 2024-12-13 08:21:39 PM |
Roboteon released a new module for its software platform, enabling companies to make better decisions on warehouse automation through simulation capabilities.
Source: https://www.robotics247.com/
RoboticsRoboteon | Duplicated with: | Rating: 64 | 2024-12-13 05:00:51 PM |