Apple has introduced the Vision Pro, a headset that offers immersive movie and 3D experiences. The device can replicate a Mac desktop, making it a potential counterpart for Mac users. However, the headset's real-world use case is still unclear and it is not a replacement for the practical MacBook Pro.
2024-07-04 10:36:22 AM |
The Macworld Podcast discusses iPhone battery life, featuring hosts Jason Cross, Michael Simon, and Roman Loyola. They share their experiences with iPhone battery problems, offer solutions, and provide tips on how to keep the battery healthy. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other platforms.
2024-07-04 08:16:22 AM |
Duplicated with: | 2024-07-03 04:56:10 PM |
Figma, a design company for software developers, has pulled its new Make Design tool that uses AI to create mockups after it was found to generate designs that look exactly like Apple apps. The tool, which was heavily trained on existing apps, created a weather app mockup that is almost indistinguishable from Apple's Weather app. Figma's AI tool has been criticized for its lack of originality and creativity.
Duplicated with: | 2024-07-03 03:46:17 PM |
The Samsung ViewFinity S65TC is a widescreen display that offers a lot of screen space, high screen refresh, and Thunderbolt 4 connections at an affordable price of $449.99. It's suitable for those who need more desktop space, but may not be ideal for professionals who require accurate color reproduction.
2024-07-03 11:16:24 AM |
Apple is introducing Apple Intelligence, a new feature that will enhance Siri's capabilities, but it will only be available on select Apple devices, including iPhone 15 Pro and later, Apple silicon Macs, and M1 or better iPads. Older devices will not be compatible with the new feature. Apple TV, HomePods, and Apple Watch may not have the necessary hardware to support Apple Intelligence in the future.
2024-07-03 10:36:10 AM |
2024-07-02 09:46:11 PM |
The Apple Smart Keyboard is on sale at Walmart for $98, down from its MSRP of $159. It is compatible with the 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-gen iPad, 3rd-gen iPad Air, and 10.5-inch iPad Pro, all of which have a Home button. The keyboard doubles as a slim and lightweight cover that protects the screen.
2024-07-02 03:56:11 PM |
Duplicated with: | 2024-07-02 12:26:20 PM |
Apple unveiled macOS 15 Sequoia at its WWDC 2024 event, which will be compatible with Macs featuring M1, M2, or M3-series chips. The new operating system builds on macOS 14 Sonoma and introduces new AI features called 'Apple Intelligence'. However, some 13-inch MacBook Air models from 2018 and 2019 will not be able to install Sequoia.
2024-07-02 11:56:15 AM |