Apple has introduced a new feature for M3 laptops, allowing them to run two external displays when closed. This feature is available on the M3 MacBook Air and M3 MacBook Pro after installing the macOS Sonoma 14.6 update. The two external displays must support a video connection over USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 and can each be 5K at 60Hz.
2024-07-30 03:09:44 PM |
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on an Apple TV is possible, but requires a multi-step process. A VPN can provide anonymous and secure online activity, as well as access to geo-blocked content. tvOS 17 is the first version to support VPN setup on Apple TV.
2024-07-30 02:19:43 PM |
Apple is rumored to be working on an ultra-slim iPhone model, which may break from the company's recent tradition. The new phone, possibly called iPhone 17 or iPhone Air, is expected to be a departure from the normal iPhone lineup. The unveiling of the iPhone 16 is still over a month away, and the iPhone 17 rumors are already stirring up.
Duplicated with: | 2024-07-30 11:19:28 AM |
Apple has released updates for its existing operating systems, including macOS Sonoma, Ventura, and Monterey, which fix over 100 security vulnerabilities. The updates include 54 patches for Sonoma, 36 for Ventura, and 32 for Monterey. The patches address security concerns, but do not include new features.
2024-07-30 11:09:29 AM |
Apple TV+ is cutting back on its spending on TV shows to shed its image of paying more than rivals due to its cash-rich status. The company has carved out a niche for itself with high-concept science fiction shows like 'Foundation', 'Silo', and 'Dark Matter' that have high budgets for cast and special effects.
2024-07-30 10:39:47 AM |
Macworld is the premier source for news, reviews, and help for the Apple market, covering the Mac, Mac software, Mac OS X, iOS, iPhone, and Apple Watch. The company reviews Mac-compatible hardware, including printers, digital cameras, and displays, as well as iPhone-related products. Founded in 1984, Macworld is a privately held company with 51-200 employees.
2024-07-30 05:59:27 AM |
Apple is rumored to be working on an ultra-slim iPhone model, which may break from the company's recent tradition. The new phone, possibly called iPhone 17 or iPhone Air, is expected to be a departure from the normal iPhone lineup. The unveiling of the iPhone 16 is still over a month away, and the iPhone 17 rumors are already stirring up.
2024-07-29 10:19:35 PM |