In September, the Russian disinformation project Doppelganger was exposed again, cloning entire news organizations' websites and planting fake stories, memes, and cartoons to lure casual Internet users. The project targeted the United States, France, Germany, and Ukraine. Tech companies and research labs traced and removed some of Doppelganger's online footprints, exposing the private Moscow firm responsible.
2024-09-30 11:40:33 AM |
Unfortunately, the article does not provide any critical information, such as organizations, persons, products, numbers, time, and locations, as it only contains a generic error message.
2024-09-30 11:10:46 AM |
In March 2023, vice presidents from Meta, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft gathered on Zoom to discuss TikTok's membership in the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). The board required TikTok to pass a training program and address questions about its ties to China. Despite this, the board still had concerns about TikTok abusing its membership to benefit the Chinese government and undermine free expression.
2024-09-30 11:00:35 AM |
2024-09-30 10:30:34 AM |
Unfortunately, the news article does not provide any critical information, such as organizations, persons, products, numbers, time, and locations. The article only contains a generic error message asking readers to ensure their browser supports JavaScript and cookies, and to review the website's Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.
2024-09-30 08:50:34 AM |