《钟楼惊魂-昔日重现》是对SUPER Famicom平台游戏《钟楼》的平行移植,保留了原作的特色。《钟楼》是一部在多个平台上反复移植的生存恐怖游戏,影响了三十年后的游戏开发。游戏中,玩家扮演手无寸铁的珍妮弗,在一个神秘的豪宅中逃脱追逐的杀人魔和带有超自然力量的死亡陷阱。游戏塑造氛围和设计很先进,如今仍然是一款受欢迎的恐怖游戏。
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
GamingSUPER Famicom | Rating: 45 | 2024-12-28 12:38:59 PM |
Windows 11 24H2 has a new issue where installing a specific patch on a USB drive can prevent future security updates. This affects users who installed the OS using a disk or USB during a certain time period. Microsoft is working on a solution and advises users to use an installation disk without the specific patch.
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
TechMicrosoft | Rating: 48 | 2024-12-28 12:38:59 PM |
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
GamingNone | Rating: 28 | 2024-12-28 04:29:05 AM |
Groove X公司制造的AI陪伴机器人LOVOT,由于设计无用而友爱,成为日本富人新的宠物。LOVOT高43厘米,重4公斤,售价约2.98万人民币,每月880元软件订阅费。LOVOT的衣服也昂贵,价格从几百到上千元不等。
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
2024-12-28 03:28:56 AM |
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
PoliticsMicrosoft | Rating: 56 | 2024-12-28 03:28:56 AM |
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
AI微软 | Rating: 68 | 2024-12-27 03:29:28 PM |
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
AI联想 | Rating: 74 | 2024-12-27 02:29:19 PM |
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
Gaming诛仙世界 | Rating: 38 | 2024-12-27 02:29:19 PM |
The daily lighthearted moment from 3DM has arrived, featuring a collection of humorous instances. One joke stands out: 'Ivan the Goat - 90° is a wall, 89° is a slope; a dirty windshield doesn't matter, but the car logo must be visible.' The sudden mention of this joke cooled down the warmth of the spring season.
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
Entertainment3DM | Rating: 38 | 2024-12-27 01:29:18 PM |
美国coser MorganLeFoy 分享了她的圣诞节蒂法cos作品,展现了性感狂野的造型。
Source: https://www.3dmgame.com/news_35_1/
EntertainmentMorganLeFoy | Rating: 23 | 2024-12-27 01:29:18 PM |