TikTok 向美国最高法院提交紧急请求,寻求推迟并阻止「不卖就禁」法案。OpenAI 推理模型 o1 通过 API 向特定开发者开放,费用较高。特斯拉股价创历史新高,马斯克净资产突破 4700 亿美元。Meta 同意支付 5000 万澳元以了结剑桥分析信息案。
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AITikTok | Rating: 57 | 2024-12-18 12:40:44 AM |
AI has significantly improved various aspects of life, such as phone interaction, daily searches, audio/video transcription, and content creation. In the industry, AI has also brought new possibilities, even in the creative-dependent marketing industry. Companies like McDonald's and Kang Shifu have used AI for art exhibitions and writing spring couplets, respectively. Furthermore, AI has started replacing models in advertisements in subways and elevators. The rapid popularization of AI surpasses any historical technological advancement. For instance, the first and second industrial revolutions took 150 and 100 years, respectively, while AI has only taken two years to become widely known. The founders of Geek Park, Kuaishou, and the manager of its AIGC product business discussed the potential of AI marketing and its super scenarios.
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AIAI | Rating: 88 | 2024-12-17 11:20:44 AM |
AI has become an integral part of our daily lives, from mobile interactions to content creation. In industry, AI has brought new paradigms, including in marketing. Companies like McDonald's and Kang Shifu have used AI for advertising and product promotion. The rapid popularization of AI in the past two years is unprecedented in history. A discussion led by Zhang Peng, founder of Geek Park, and other experts explored the future of AI in marketing, citing examples like AppLovin, a nearly bankrupt stock that saw a 833% increase in value within a year due to AI marketing.
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AI百度 | Duplicated with: | Rating: 66 | 2024-12-17 09:00:37 AM |
宇树科技创始人王兴兴强调,打造卓越的人形机器人需要精益求精,从硬件设计到零部件,要做到极致。公司已将机器人本体出售给科研机构和科技公司,并专注于 AI,以打造拥有自主感知和决策能力的人形机器人。
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AI宇树科技 | Rating: 85 | 2024-12-17 03:21:38 AM |
谷歌 DeepMind 推出 Veo 2 视频生成模型和 Imagen 3 图像模型,挑战 OpenAI 在 AI 图像和视频生成领域。OpenAI 宣布将 ChatGPT 搜索功能向全体用户开放,并将其与高级语音模式结合,提供语音搜索服务。
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AIGoogle | Rating: 54 | 2024-12-17 12:40:57 AM |
极客公园发布2024年度「InnoForce 50」,评选过去一年中在人工智能技术领域实现创新突破的产品、技术、组织、项目和个人开发者,主要关注创新性、实用性和社会价值增溢。
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AI极客公园 | Rating: 60 | 2024-12-14 09:00:56 AM |
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AI百度 | Duplicated with: | Rating: 85 | 2024-12-14 12:40:45 AM |
面壁智能完成数亿元新一轮融资,继续聚焦端侧AI发展,商业化进展包括端侧模型在AI Phone、AIPC、智能座舱等消费电子设备的内置助手上,合作伙伴包括华为、联发科技等企业。
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AI华为 | Rating: 76 | 2024-12-13 10:00:47 AM |
苹果iPhone 17可能采用条形横置摄像模组,英伟达在华员工将增至4000人,OpenAI为ChatGPT添加视频输入和屏幕共享功能
Source: https://www.geekpark.net/
AIOpenAI | Rating: 56 | 2024-12-13 01:40:28 AM |