Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
AI | Rating: 38 | 2024-05-03 05:05:09 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
AI | Rating: 41 | 2024-05-02 03:05:16 PM |
MIT researchers introduce KAN, a new neural network architecture that simplifies MLPs. With 200 parameters, KAN achieves higher accuracy than 30,000-parameter MLPs in mathematical and physical problems, and can even discover new formulas.
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
AI | Rating: 87 | 2024-12-28 03:28:42 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
AI | Rating: 74 | 2024-05-02 09:05:06 AM |
Anthropic推出Claude iOS APP,体积仅11MB,官方称“前沿情报的力量现在就在你的口袋里”。
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
Tech | Rating: 78 | 2024-12-28 03:28:42 AM |
人大卢志武带领团队三次与OpenAI大撞车,最新一次撞在Sora上。团队于arXiv上发表论文,提出Diffusion Transformer技术。
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
AI | Rating: 86 | 2024-12-28 03:28:42 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
2024-05-02 04:06:08 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
2024-05-02 04:06:08 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
2024-05-02 04:06:08 AM |
Source: https://www.qbitai.com/category/%e8%b5%84%e8%ae%af
2024-05-02 04:06:08 AM |